Tuesday, July 06, 2004


Long time no 'C' (read see). :-)

True.. as I believe one can not really open out in a webblog to write down everything that comes to his mind. Lots of things did happen .. which found their place in the personal diary but in the blog ! no way .. :-) (not to hurt my beloved friend!)

From yesterday I have been having a feeling sort of relieved (the reason can not be disclosed right now); and that was egging me on to write something in the blog .. but there comes a relaxation period once you are suddenly out of pressure .. during this period you feel like doing a hell lot of things but end up doing nothing ..

This reminds of one small bengali poem written by Sunil Ganguly .. the poem deals with birth of poetry .. from a poet's point of view. The poet feels like writing one .. then he begins nurturing it in his mind .. he prepares the stage to write it down .. has a few ciggarettes [pardon me if the spelling is wrong :-)], loiters on the bed embracing the pillow, looks at the sky from the small window of his room, smells the air that seems to be fresh, keeps on asking the publishers to give him a few more days of time, looks at his pen and the white paper, feels happy about the onset of ideas coming to his mind, feels just like starting to write it down but does not, and keeps on wasting time .. as long as possible .. for the poetry, to him, is like his love .. thus he wishes to spend as much time as possible before actually bringing it out to public..

This is one of the very simple but touching pieces of poetry that I have seen. Writing something in the blog, sharing some idea, be it webblog, or personal letter, is almost simlilar in spirit .. to me .. I can't help being over possesive about it :-)

Anyway I spent some wonderful days .. far from the madding crowd as they say .. I had a trip to Lonavala, Khandala with my friends a week back .. Lonavala looks really beautiful with its lush greenary and small waterfalls originating from the hills every here and there .. Infact the train journey from Karzat to Lonavala itself is a satisfying experience 'for one who has long been in city pent' .. special mention to the Lion's spot where you see weather changing in every five minutes .. and clouds coming every now and then covering you .. and disappearing again in no time ..

I had a sojourn as well .. for a couple of days .. to Pune .. meeting my JU friends and our beloved professot who was visiting IUCAA for a fortnight .. felt the warmth of old familiarity after a long time .. for which I was longing for ..

No wonder that I am in good cheers .. these days ..
So Long ..


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