Monday, September 06, 2004

Memory .. !

Today I met one of my long lost friend .. who happens to be more than a friend actually .. it is someone without whom I would not have been at TIFR now. The person who conducted a written test for me on 24th of June in the year 2003 at a small room at DAMTP, Cambridge .. that led me to TIFR.

The person has not changed even a little. With the same smile, same look, and friendliness he shaked my hands .. "Oh you are here now, what a nice surpise to see you here!", he said as he greeted me... Then we talked about some common friends of us, the othet Indian String theorist in Cambridge and his wife!

So nice to find someone, as a surprise who happens to be one from Cambridge .. as my friend pointed out in her last blog .. it is hard to forget some places .. but sometimes we associate it so much with the people around that we forgot that it is the place that we love the most. Memories .. again I am warning myself .. not to walk down memory lane once gain ..oh .. not again .. but can't help remembering DAMTP, the library.. so many afternoons I spent there before submitting my project .. the automatic photosensitive lights and temparature-sensitive curtains .. the big , huge reference section in the basement .. full with computer with no one to use it .. and 24-hours access card with the "green spot" .. my only thing to boast of in Cambridge .. by being one of those lucky few to have one in my TP III ..

And what else .. life goes by .. as usual .. leaving behind these little memories awaiting some incidents to kindle them up.


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